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What is Database Utilities Fortnightly?

This extraordinarily extensive, granular, and timely database provides an unprecedented capability to better understand utility customer behavior and economics and the transforming performance of the grid. To authoritatively address critical questions in utility regulation and policy, in real time virtually.
Such as:
  • How affordable is utility service?
  • How do different kinds of utility customers pay for and use utility service differently?
  • At what pace is the grid decarbonizing?
  • How are grid operations integrating renewables?
  • Are load duration curves flattening?
  • Where are utility sales heading generally, and by utility?
It’s built to be a credible litigation-quality tool, suitable for regulatory proceedings.And it’s based on four reliable federal government surveys, that are conducted by three agencies of the government.

What’s included and how is it structured?

Database Utilities Fortnightly consists of seven Microsoft Excel-based modules encompassing fifteen sub-modules. The hundreds of unique data tables, each developed by the PUF team, arethoughtfully organized to be easy to manipulate and graph. And to create customized tables, reports, and presentations. And to support specific studies.
We expect that Database Utilities Fortnightly shall become a regular resource for regulatory proceedings, strategic planning, public affairs and communications and employee training.

Answer these key questions with Database Utilities Fortnightly and more:

In my state, how do utility bills vary among low-income or elderly customers?
How does the cost of utility service correlate with income, age, home ownership in a metro area?
Are electric rates tracking the rate of inflation this year in my metro area, state and region?
How does the distribution of utility bills for customers in my metro area compare with other areas?
Has electric utility service become more or less affordable in recent months and years?
What’s happening to my region’s use of coal plants and renewables in recent days and weeks?
Is the pace of decarbonizing the grid in my region accelerating or decelerating?
How is the load duration curve for specific utilities changing this year?
What’s the trend in a particular utility’s electricity sales this month?
How is my region’s grid dispatching differently to accommodate more renewables?
Get access to the hundreds of unique data tables

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